Happy Birthday my beautiful boy.
You are an inspiration to me every day.
I want to be a better person, a better Mom because of you. You remind me that miracles happen and good people exist and help others daily. You make me stop and look around, you make me stop and enjoy YOU.
We get so wrapped up in our day to day lives and the dramas that ensue, we get so busy doing this and doing that, we forget to BE. Don't do, just be.
You help to me to BE. To be in a moment and enjoy every little aspect of that moment, a hug, a smile, a special look when you figure something out, a scream, a fight, I treasure every one them.
All we've been through makes me feel as though each day is an extra special day to be celebrated.
I say a prayer thanking GOD for gifting you to me.
I say a prayer thanking GOD for allowing you to stay with me.
I say a prayer asking GOD to please continue healing your body.
I say a prayer asking GOD to please keep you strong.
I say a prayer rejoicing and celebrating YOU and your life.
I say all these prayers with a full heart filled with love & gratitude.
I also remember today another little boy and his Mother. This little boy I imagine as a guardian angel watching over TJ. This little boy gave TJ his life and his heart. I say prayers today to that family, thank you for giving my son a second life.
As I sit and remember TJ's birth, I wonder when that little boy's birthday was. I think of the much different thoughts that Mother has on that day. I cry for her once again.
Please say an extra prayer today for our donor family. Because of them TJ is here today celebrating a 3rd birthday.
We always say how amazing medical science is, and how what they can do now is amazing. But none of it would be possible without the selfless acts of donor families.
They are the true heroes.
Stopping for a moment, to thank GOD for everything special in my life.
Happy Birthday TJ and thank you for being an inspiration to us all!
Lori you are an inpiration to me! I admire your stength, and courage!
Happy Birthday TJ!
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